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Current Sessions & Descriptions
Digital Leadership through the Roles of a School Librarian
School librarians are digital leaders! This session explores digital leadership through the roles of school librarians. The content explores how technology leadership, media literacy, and digital citizenship can be embedded across the curriculum, as collaborative lessons, and through civic engagement. This is a one-hour presentation or can be scheduled as a 3-hour workshop.
Facilitating Student Agency through Digital Curation
Designing multiple methods for student engagement and content
delivery allows educators to serve the diverse needs and interests of all learners. Teacher-created digital learning tools can give students
agency, choice, and voice in their learning process. This session includes a focus on Universal Design for Learning principles and is a one-hour presentation or can be scheduled as a 3-hour workshop to allow time for attendees to create resources.
Picture Books & Problem-solving: the coding connection
Can picture books teach coding concepts? Absolutely! This session explores multiple picture books that provide a segue into coding. Participants will explore whole group hands-on unplugged coding for beginners. Sequencing, stacks and queues, conditionals, and events are just a few of the coding concepts discussed in this session. This is a one-hour presentation or can be scheduled as a 3-hour workshop.
Tech Tools A to Z: 26 of my favorite digital tools!
Curious about different and new tech tools? In this session, I share over 26 digital tools that I love. Together will explore instructional technology tools, sites, and apps for use with K-12 (and older) learners. Each digital tool will include an overview and a quick demonstration. This is a fast-paced one-hour session or can be scheduled as a 3-hour workshop to allow for exploration of each tool!
School Library Policies & Procedures
School libraries should have a selection, retention/weeding, and reconsideration/relocation policy. During this session, attendees will draft or revise school library policies and procedures that are clear, concise, and concrete, using common language and vertical alignment. The ALA Selection & Reconsideration Policy Toolkit for Public, School, & Academic Libraries will be referenced. This is a 3-hour workshop.
Library Resources to Support Awareness, Mindfulness, & Self-care
Awareness is extremely important for students and teachers to be their best selves. Now more than ever, it is vital for self-care and mindfulness to be included in an educator's toolkit. To help prevent teacher and student burnout, resources focus on social-emotional learning and self-care in routines and library spaces. This is a one-hour presentation.
I enjoyed everything about this session. Learning about explore boards and choice boards were my favorite and most useful parts of the session. Excellent presentation. I will model this presenter's method of deliver in my class. She captured my attention from the beginning to the end of this session.
Webinar attendee